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Norristown Slip And Fall Attorney

Slip and fall injuries can be very serious. Hip fractures, spinal cord damage, brain injuries, and other injuries can occur after falling on someone else’s property, and a number of factors can contribute to these accidents. If you believe negligence played a role in your slip and fall, you may be eligible for financial compensation.

Rosenbaum & Associates advocates for the rights of Norristown slip and fall victims. With over 25 years of personal injury litigation experience, our firm has the resources and tenacity you need to seek a maximum possible settlement. If you have suffered an injury from a fall, our Norristown slip and fall attorneys can help. Contact our firm for a free consultation.

Why Choose Us

  • Our firm is nationally recognized, and for good reason: we have secured over $100 million dollars in compensation for our clients, and we will always fight for your maximum recovery.
  • We only represent personal injury cases, including slip and fall claims. Our Norristown slip and fall attorneys have the skills to advocate for your rights anywhere, from the courtroom to the negotiating table.
  • Our firm operates on a contingency fee system; we will only charge legal fees if you recover compensation. If we do not win, you do not have to pay for our services

Slip and Fall Statistics

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), millions of people suffer slip and fall injuries each year. Many of these victims are older adults, with more than one in four senior citizens suffering fall injuries each year.

The CDC provides the following statistics on slip and falls:

Proving a Pennsylvania Slip and Fall Case

To hold a property owner accountable for your injuries, he or she must have committed an act of negligence. All property owners have a duty to keep their premises in safe and hazard-free condition, and if they notice any issues, it is their responsibility to fix them. To establish a property owner’s negligence, you will need to prove four important elements.

  • Duty: The property owner owed you a duty of care at the time of the fall.
  • Deviation: The property owner deviated from his or her duty of care.
  • Direct causation: The deviation from the duty of care directly caused your injuries.
  • Damages: You sustained damages due to the negligence of the property owner you can claim in your lawsuit.

Property owners can deviate from their duty of care in a number of ways. If a property owner knows about a hazard and fails to fix it, he or she breaks the duty of care. If you suffer an injury due to a hazard the owner should have reasonably known about but neglected his or her duties, you may also have grounds for a claim. Speak to a Norristown personal injury lawyer from Rosenbaum & Associates to determine your case eligibility.

Contact Rosenbaum & Associates Today

If you need a Norristown slip and fall lawyer, trust the experience, results, and focus of the attorneys at Rosenbaum & Associates. Our trial-ready attorneys will advocate for you during each step of your slip and fall claim, working diligently to recover your maximum compensation.

Contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation with a Norristown slip and fall attorney. We are happy to answer any questions you may have and explain your legal options.