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Delaware County Slip And Fall Attorney

After suffering a slip and fall on someone else’s Delaware County property, you can face severe consequences. You might break a bone, suffer a traumatic head injury, or develop another lasting injury that leads to expensive medical bills and time off work. You might suffer emotional damage, cope with ongoing pain or disability, and see a reduced quality of life — all because of someone else’s negligence.

In these situations, you deserve just compensation. The Delaware County slip and fall lawyers at Rosenbaum & Associates are here to represent your claim so you can claim the funds you need to recover. Contact our law firm for a free consultation regarding your slip and fall case.

Why Choose Us

  • Over the course of 25 years, we have recovered millions of dollars for thousands of Pennsylvania personal injury victims.
  • The aftermath of any personal injury, including slip and falls, can be very expensive. That’s why we charge a contingency fee — you only pay legal fees unless you receive compensation.
  • Our Delaware County slip and fall attorneys prepare each and every case for trial, signaling to any insurance company or defendant that you are prepared to fight for the best possible settlement

How to Prove a Slip and Fall Case

Not all slip and falls qualify for financial compensation — to win a slip and fall lawsuit, you and your lawyer will need to establish the property owner’s negligence. You can prove negligence by establishing the presence of four key facts.

  • The property owner owed you a duty to keep the property in reasonably safe condition and quickly respond to potential hazards.
  • The property owner breached his or her duty of care. This can occur in a number of ways; the owner may know or should have reasonably known about a hazard and failed to take action, or the owner may directly cause the hazard.
  • The property owner’s breach of care directly caused your injuries.
  • You suffered damages you can collect compensation for through your lawsuit

While these elements may seem straightforward, proving a slip and fall claim is often more challenging than other types of personal injury claims. The property owner may claim you were trespassing, wearing improper shoes, or your injuries are not as serious as you claim. The owner may also say that he or she didn’t know about the hazard and should not be liable for your damages.

You need an attorney on your side to protect your right to compensation and prove the owner’s liability — and the Delaware County personal injury lawyers at Rosenbaum & Associates will advocate aggressively for your recovery during each stage of litigation.

Compensation in Pennsylvania Slip and Fall Claims

Pennsylvania law allows you to collect two types of compensation in slip and fall claims: economic damages, like medical expenses or lost wages, and non-economic pain and suffering damages. All of the damages you claim must directly relate to the injuries you sustained in the accident.

Delaware County residents may claim the following damages in their slip and fall claims.

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Disability accommodations, like wheelchairs or vehicle modifications
  • Transportation to and from medical appointments
  • Physical and psychological therapies
  • Mental anguish and emotional distress
  • Chronic pain
  • Disability and disfigurement
  • Lost wages and loss of future earning

Contact Rosenbaum & Associates Today

A slip and fall accident can be painful, resulting in broken bones, thousands of dollars in medical expenses, psychological consequences, and more. At Rosenbaum & Associates, we believe all victims of negligence deserve monetary compensation — and our Delaware County slip and fall lawyers are prepared to fight for your right to damages.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. During your meeting, your lawyer will listen to your story, discuss your next steps, and begin the filing process.