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Philadelphia Stairway Accident Attorney

A stairway accident can be particularly dangerous and result in severe and possibly life-changing injuries. When a stairway accident is caused because a property is left unmaintained, a property owner may be liable for the hazardous conditions that led to your injury. Contact the Philadelphia stairway accident attorneys at Rosenbaum & Associates today to schedule a free case evaluation.

Why Choose Our Philadelphia Stairway Accident Lawyers?

  • We have more than 25 years of experience, giving us a thorough understanding of premises liability law.
  • Each case we accept is given the attention and care it deserves to obtain the most favorable outcome.
  • We do not charge legal fees unless we win.

Why You Need a Stairway Accident Lawyer

If you have suffered a serious injury in a stairway accident, it is in your best interests to hire a Philadelphia stairway accident attorney as soon as possible. Stairway accidents fall under premises liability law, which can be complex because you must prove the property owner was negligent. Property owners typically have liability insurance to cover accidents, but that doesn’t mean their insurance company will acknowledge liability.

A Philadelphia stairway accident lawyer can help in multiple ways, including solidifying the potential threat of a lawsuit, so the insurer takes your claim seriously, investigating the accident and collecting evidence to prove liability, and negotiating to recover fair compensation.

Why Stairway Accidents Happen

Property owners often overlook these stairway issues that can cause accidents:

  • Damaged steps
  • Broken or missing handrails
  • Lack of proper lighting
  • Step obstructions such as boxes, cords, or other debris
  • Poorly constructed or uneven stairs
  • Torn carpet
  • Wet or icy stairs
  • Worn or improperly maintained nosing or treads

To receive compensation in a successful stairway accident case, you need to prove the property owner was aware of the problem or should have been aware of it and then failed to provide reasonable care by addressing the situation or warning of it.

How to Prove a Property Owner Is Liable for a Stairway Accident

To hold a property owner responsible for a stairway accident, you need to establish the following elements of negligence:

  • The property owner owed you a duty of care. In other words, you were invited or legally visiting the property.
  • The owner knew of or should have known about a danger on the property and failed to remove or warn of the hazard.
  • You suffered injuries directly caused by the dangerous condition, and you would not have been injured otherwise.
  • As a result of your injuries, you suffered damages (financial and other losses), such as medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, etc.

A large part of the evidence for a stairway accident is first-hand accounts, which is part of the reason why these cases are particularly challenging to prove. To improve your chance of recovering compensation, you must seek medical care immediately, report the accident to the manager or property owner, take photos of the stairway and any unsafe conditions, ask any witnesses for their contact information, and contact an attorney.

We Offer Free Consultations

To protect your legal rights after a stairway accident on someone else’s property, do not delay in taking immediate action. Call our Philadelphia stair accident lawyers at (215) 569-0200 to schedule a free case evaluation today.